Tag Archive | mothers

JustBirth Winchester gathering!

Tonight’s topic at JustBirth Winchester is Meet the Midwives.

Have you ever been curious about your birth options? Come meet some fantastic Midwives to take about there practice and learn more about the Midwives Model of Care.

Tuesday April 8, Grace Evangelical Church 26 W Boscawen St. Winchester Va 22601 6:30-8 pm

Visit the JustBirth Winchester page for future meeting topics and locations. Join us to build the community of women and mothers!

A brief explanation…

The Midwives Model of Care views birth as a normal event and is very woman centered. Home Birth is an option for women who have a low-risk pregnancy, it is also an option for women seeking a VBAC.

The Midwives Model of Care
The Midwives Model of Care is based on the fact that pregnancy and birth are normal life processes.

The Midwives Model of Care includes:

Monitoring the physical, psychological, and social well-being of the mother throughout the childbearing cycle
Providing the mother with individualized education, counseling, and prenatal care, continuous hands-on assistance during labor and delivery, and postpartum support
Minimizing technological interventions
Identifying and referring women who require obstetrical attention
The application of this woman-centered model of care has been proven to reduce the incidence of birth injury, trauma, and cesarean section.

Copyright (c) 1996-2008, Midwifery Task Force, Inc., All Rights Reserved.



Women Receive Personalized Care with a Midwife

What women love is that there is more to maternity care with a midwife than checking blood pressure, fundal height, weigh and urine checks.

  • You will see a familiar face at each of your appointments, and you will be given adequate time to ask questions and address your concerns.
  • Your midwife is a specialist in pregnancy, birth and postpartum care who has designed a complete program of care to nurture healthy pregnancy, joyful birth and confident parenting.
  • You will receive individualize, culturally appropriate, family-centered full-scope prenatal services, and continuous care and support during labor and birth.
  • Your midwife will incorporate shared decision-making into your care so that you will feel informed and empowered to make good health decisions for you, your infant and your family.
  • Your midwife has the skills and knowledge to facilitate healthy normal childbirth, to assure comfort and safety for you and your baby, and to accommodate your family’s needs.
  • You midwife has a plan for collaboration with obstetricians, pediatricians, and other specialists in the rare case where medical care for mother or your baby is needed.
  • You will receive nurturing postpartum care and support in your home and the midwife’s office in the weeks and months after birth as you adjust to your new baby and the changes in your family.

These are just a few of the reasons why women say they prefer maternity care with a midwife.







