Tag Archive | postpartum

Loving Your Cesarean Scar

Loving your cesarean scar does not have to mean you love cesarean births, or that you planned a cesarean birth, maybe you did, maybe you didn’t. By loving your cesarean scar you may be able experience some emotional healing and you acknowledge that it is part of your body and story.

There are many ways to love your scar, one that carries many physical benefits as well as emotional benefits is massage. Have you ever had surgery on a wrist or leg? Most of the time when you are doing PT for the area that was operated on they tell you to massage the incision scar. This helps break up adhesions and support mobility in the scar area. Why shouldn’t you do that to your cesarean scar?!? Why aren’t more women told about cesarean scar massage benefits and methods? Your guess is as good as mine, but the benefits are too good not to share.

In a few short weeks I will be a year out of my cesarean birth. Already a year! I plan to share my birth story with everyone at the end of December, so keep your eye out for that. I am so thankful that I had several people tell me about massaging my scar, some lovely birth friends and my chiropractor, all suggested I massage my scar. I believe I first tried it at 3 months postpartum, it kind of hurt and I cried and could not do it for more than a minuet. Dr. D warned me that it would cause a lot of my emotions to surface, boy was he right! As time went on I was able to massage my scar with more pressure and for longer amounts of time. I truly believe this has helped reduce the scar twinges, the adhesions and has really helped me accept my scar.J

You will have your own process to go through if you decide to love on your cesarean scar. It might be a really hard thing to do, but I promise with time it will get easier. Take the emotion you get from learning your scar and use it for your next birth or for helping other women who have had a cesarean birth.


It is never too late to start! Here is a great tutorial video on massaging your scar!


Placenta Love

Postpartum visits tips for friends and family

When a new baby arrives to a family member or a friend we are all dying to go meet and hold that little bundle of joy! We want to stop in right away and stay a while to hold the baby and coo over how little they are. We want to check in on the parents as well, maybe bring a meal. It is with good intent that we all want to stop in as soon as we can, but remember the mama may be recovering from a surgical birth, a long birth, or a quick (but hard) speed birth, EITHER way she is recovering, learning the dance of breastfeeding, and both parents are adjusting to being up every few hours in the night taking care of a new little one.

Here are a few helpful hints when visiting a new family

* Come when you said you would come, so they know when to expect you

* Bring a healthy meal (with a side salad or veggies) in disposable containers so they do not have to worry about cleaning dishes or getting dishes back to their owners

*Do a 5 min clean up of the kitchen, just to lighten the load, that way the parents focus can be on adjusting to their new life.

*You could start a load of laundry

*Wash your hands before cooing over the baby, and by all means do coo

*Do not overstay 15 minuets, the parents are tired and there will be time in the future to visit the baby

* When the parents finally decide to announce that their little one has come earthside, don’t rush over to their home to visit wait 5 days or so. They are making big family adjustments that are better made alone. If you want to give them a meal immediately, an excellent idea is to send it before she gives birth to put in the freezer!

Parents are overjoyed to show their new little one to their friends and family, but what they really need early postpartum is help making the transition a little easier. Remember they may be too shy to ask you to stay for a short while or to help a bit around the house, but it will be much appreciated! They will love you for this and will probably invite you over again sooner for a longer visit!

All my love!

Up coming Childbirth Education Class!

Here is the link to the upcoming  CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION CLASS SCHEDULE order tickets and reserve your spot on Eventbrite!

Starting May 11,2013 through June 15, 2013!

It has everything my listed class on this blog has, its all the same, however, I have added a bag of NORA pregnancy tea for each couple who attends.

I am excited for this class! I finish the class I am teaching now March 18, I’ll take a little break because April is a busy birth month! Lots of mamas due!

Spread the word!!


Moms Need Support Too


Some of the clients I work with have always talked about work, work, and more work. Sometimes their boss is short with them, their boss expects them to come right back to work, some women do not want to go back to work right away, but have no other choice if they wish to keep their job.

Sad to say in America maternity leave is nothing short of…nothing, women get a few weeks (4-6) and then they have to run back to work and pay for childcare and pump or formula feed their new little one. Many other countries provide paid maternity leave, I wish it were that way here.

A way to ease this American way of life would be to hire a postpartum doula for an hour or so a few days a week, to help you with house work, help you get set up and ready to go back to work, to help you pump if needed, help you get extra (much needed) rest, and put your mind at ease.

If you know any woman who recently gave birth, make them a meal, help them for an hour, watch their other children, do some laundry or dishes… the list goes on. Even moms with out newborns need support from those around them.

Birth and Motherhood are beautiful and should be respected by the whole world.